We have very high expectations of all our students. We want them to aspire to be the very best they can be and act as role models for younger students in the school. Included below is key information to help students be successful and help us to support them effectively.
Attendance and Absence Line
Please use the absence line if a student is unwell or away from school so we can update our electronic registration system accordingly. The dedicated number to use for this is 01483 888151.
If students are the leaving school site for medical appointment/illness/other circumstances involving missing lessons, they must speak to Ms Smith in Sixth Form Reception to confirm registers have been marked accordingly before signing out.
Lanyards and Dress Code
Students should wear their lanyard ID badges at all times on the school site so they are identifiable as students. Please remember to wear yours each morning to help support our safeguarding measures.
Additionally, students have the privilege of wearing your own clothes in the Sixth Form. However, this is a place of work and a large community with younger students and therefore, students need to ensure they dress appropriately.
Signing in and out
Students should sign in and out at Sixth Form Reception when they arrive or leave outside of normal lesson time, to ensure we can confirm attendance in the event of a fire.
If students are leaving the school site at break/lunch or during lessons, they must sign out and sign in, when they return to school, on the paper sheets located in Sixth Form Reception.

Homework and Private Study
The average Sixth Former who wishes to succeed to their full potential should be spending five hours a week studying for each subject beyond their lessons. Homework is set by staff in most lessons. If homework is not set, then there are a range of activities students can do in this time to consolidate their learning. Any student who is doing less than this cannot expect to succeed in their examinations.
Non-contact periods
The majority of students have non-contact periods on their timetable which they are expected to use for private study. We prefer students to stay in school and use the study facilities here to study but in Year 13 students may choose to study at home instead for some of these periods. It is not permissible for students to participate in part time work during these periods, or to book other non-essential appointments such as driving lessons or dental appointments. Students must ensure that they remain available in these periods so that they are contactable should a member of staff wish to meet with them.
Car Parking
We do not have parking onsite for students. Parking in the local residential areas around the school can be an issue. Where driving to George Abbot is essential, please park safely and considerately, respecting our very accommodating neighbours, particularly on Woodruff Avenue. The local streets are really struggling to accommodate the volume of cars sometimes driven to school by sixth formers. Unless it is essential, please leave cars at home and find other ways of getting to George Abbot.
Sixth Form Six – ‘The HABITS required to be a successful Sixth Form student’
In our tutor time programme, we guide students to develop the study skills required to be successful at A Level. Through consultation with staff and students we have developed our Sixth Form Six which is a memorable way of ensuring that students remember how to effectively study independently.