10 events found.
Careers: Get into… The Services
6.30-8.30pm Raynham Hall Parents/carers welcome. Tickets for the event are free and available from Eventbrite - Cut and paste this url into your browser: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/get-into-the-services-careersevent-tickets-304685892707
Exams: Y11 Dance NEA
All Day
Year 10 Parents: Anxiety & Mental Health Presentation
Speaker, Sandra Hooper, from Primary Mental Health Team, 'Anxiety' Elmslie Hall
Bronze DofE: Y9 & 10 Route Planning Day
10am-4,30pm School-based day More details nearer the event
‘Wear it Wild’ MUFTI Day
As part of a week of activities across the school celebrating creativity, nature, fashion and sustainability we are holding a Wear it Wild mufti day. Students can wear either clothes…