Year 12 Parent Information Evening
6- 7pm. This event will be taking in Raynham Hall. More details to follow nearer the event.
School Photographs
Students in Year 12 and any students in Years 7, 9 and 11 who missed the previous session earlier in term, will have their photographs taken on this day.
Year 13 Parent Information Evening
6- 7pm. This event will be taking in Raynham Hall. More details to follow nearer the event.
Y11 Prom (Class of July 2021),
7-10pm Pine Ridge Golf Club, Frimley More details to follow nearer the event
Sixth Form: Macmillan Coffee Morning
Money raising events taking place during the morning breaks.
Year 6 Parent Open Evening (1 of 2)
6.30 to 8.30pm. Beginning in Raynham Hall. Ending in Elmslie Hall. Further details will be available nearer to the event.
Year 7 English: Visiting Author
Raynham Hall 10.45 - 11.15am 11.20 - 11.50am Two presentations, each to half of the year group
Year 6 Parent Open Evening (2 of 2)
6.30 to 8.30pm. Beginning in Raynham Hall. Ending in Elmslie Hall. Further details will be available nearer to the event.