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DofE: Silver Training Weekend
Saturday 14th Jan involves trip to Newlands Corner. Sunday 15th Jan session takes place in school. Further details will be communicated to relevant parents and students.
Year 9: Flu Immunisations (Day 1)
Further details will be communicated via email to relevant parents/carers and students.
Medical: Y7, 8, 9 (& selected Y10/11): Influenza Flu Vaccinations
More details will be provided via the Parent Bulletin
Visual Arts: 6th Form Paris Trip Meeting
Elmslie Hall For all students and parents who will be attending this Sixth Form Paris Trip Feb 22.
Year 9: Flu Immunisations (Day 2)
Further details will be communicated via email to relevant parents/carers and students.
Year 11: Parent Subject Meetings
To facilitate this event, there will be an early closure of the school day at 1.35pm. Online meetings are by pre-arranged appointment and will take place between 2.15-7.15pm. Further details…