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Year 12 Parents: ‘Next Steps’ (Online) Information Presentation
This event will take place online. Further information will be communicated with relevant parents about this event.
Year 6: Induction Day (1 of 2)
For current year 6 students joining Year 7 at George Abbot in September.
Year 8: Parent Subject Meetings
To facilitate this event, there will be an early closure of the school day at 1.35pm. Online meetings are by pre-arranged appointment and will take place between 2.15-7.15pm. Further details…
Year 6: Induction day (2 of 2)
For current year 6 students joining Year 7 at George Abbot in September.
Year 11 Prom (class of 22-23)
Pine Ridge Golf Club 7-10pm More details to follow nearer to the event
INSET DAY – School closed to students
School closed to students on this day.
Year 13: Prom
Mandolay Hotel 7-11pm More details to follow nearer the event.