George Abbot School is fully committed to careers education and guidance for all its students in preparing them for a successful future in the 21st Century.
Year 7 & 8
During Years 7 and 8 students investigate various aspects of careers education through their PSE lessons and by accessing dedicated careers websites. In Year 8, students also make their GCSE choices; this is supported by a comprehensive programme delivered through assembly, Tutor lessons, PSE, subject taster and parent information events.
Year 10
In Year 10, students take part in a mock interview process. They complete a CV and are then interviewed by a local employer.
Careers Guidance
All students are entitled to external and impartial careers advice. This could be via a designated website, careers events or an interview with a careers guidance adviser who comes into the school. Here at George Abbot we employ the services of Careers Management Consultants.
Year 11 & Post 16
As students move into Year 11, they each receive an individual consultation with a member of the Leadership Team to discuss their Next Steps. Well planned information is provided about post 16 provision and external organisations support this phase of information, advice and guidance for our students.
Useful Resources
Sixth Form
During their time at our sixth form, George Abbot students receive a wealth of information on higher education and careers opportunities. Throughout Year 12 they have feature lectures which can include amongst other things lectures on: studying abroad, alternatives to higher education, working abroad, gap years, CV writing, UCAS and work experience.
During the summer of Year 12 they will participate in higher education days which include a visit to a university, the UCAS application process and alternatives to full time study.
An important part of Year 12 is their work experience week. All students find their own placement in a career sector that interests them.
Once in Year 13 students continue to research their next step and attend visits and interviews for universities, colleges, apprenticeships or work. At any time sixth form students can request an interview and help from Careers Management Consultants (external, impartial careers advisors), or from George Abbot’s own higher education advisors and careers team.
Careers Policies
Careers Education and Guidance is a valued area of the curriculum here at George Abbot and we adhere to both statutory and recommended guidelines as outlined by the Careers guidance and access for education and training providers (January 2018), the Gatsby benchmarks and the CDI’s Framework for careers, employability and enterprise education 7-19 (2015).
George Abbot Careers Education and Guidance personnel:
Ms L Kemp – Deputy Headteacher with responsibility for CEG
Mrs H Rose – Careers Lead, email:, contact via the main school number: 01483 888000
Mrs E Nash – Careers Assistant
Miss F McLean – Careers Assistant
Mrs J Thompson – Governor with responsibility for CEG