Contact Details
George Abbot School,
Woodruff Avenue,
01483 888000
Mrs K Carriett
Mrs J Richings
Staff Member dealing with Parental/Public Enquiries:
Miss P Jacobs – Headteacher’s PA
Chair of Governors:
Trevor Skerritt. For more information please see the Governance page of our website.
We are a member of Learning Partners Academy Trust, a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales (08303773).
Registered address: Learning Partners Academy Trust, Guildford County School, Farnham Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 4LU
t: 01483 977230 | e: info@learningpartners.org | w: learningpartners.org
Admissions Arrangements
School admissions arrangements for the current academic year and forthcoming year can be found here: https://georgeabbot.surrey.sch.uk/admissions/
Sixth Form admissions arrangements for the current academic year and forthcoming year can be found here: https://georgeabbot.surrey.sch.uk/join-ga6/
Ofsted Reports
Our school’s Ofsted reports can be found here: https://georgeabbot.surrey.sch.uk/ofsted/
Exam/Assessment Results and Performance Tables
Our Exam/Assessment Results can be found here: https://georgeabbot.surrey.sch.uk/exam-results/
Please note, we are required to show historic results (for 2018/19), due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.
Our Performance Tables can be found here.
Our trust curriculum policy statement can be found on our trust policies page here.
Details of our school curriculum can be found here: https://georgeabbot.surrey.sch.uk/curriculum-overview/
Remote Education
Our remote education plan can be found here: https://georgeabbot.surrey.sch.uk/policies/
Behaviour Policy
Our trust behaviour policy statement can be found on our trust policies page here.
Our school behaviour policy can be found here: https://georgeabbot.surrey.sch.uk/policies/
Funding Premiums
Our pupil premium strategy statement, including information on the current and previous academic year can be found here: https://georgeabbot.surrey.sch.uk/pupil-premium/
Equality Objectives
Our trust equalities objectives can be found on our trust governance arrangements page, under the reports section here.
The school’s objectives, which ensure positive action in this area, are:
- To accelerate the progress of our disadvantaged students.
- To support improved achievement for our SEND cohort.
- To develop our focus on equality, diversity and inclusion – with a specific focus on developing character education; maximising pastoral opportunities for teaching and learning in this area and developing approaches to safeguarding and behaviour with regard to prejudice-related incidents.
Our annual SEND information report, on the implementation of our school’s policy for pupils with SEND can be found here: https://georgeabbot.surrey.sch.uk/learning-support/
Our careers programme for the current academic year, including contact details of our careers lead, impact of our programme, and our school careers guidance policy can be found here: https://georgeabbot.surrey.sch.uk/careers/
Complaints and Whistleblowing
Our complaints and whistleblowing policy can be found on our trust policies page here.
Annual Reports and Accounts, Financial Information
Our trust annual reports and accounts can be found on our trust governance arrangements page, under the reports section here.
In addition, you will find the Funding Agreement and Articles of Association.
Executive Pay
Our trust executive pay reporting can be found on our trust governance arrangements page, under the reports section here.
The number of employees whose employee benefits (excluding employer pension costs and employer nation insurance contributions) exceeded £60,000 was:
Number of staff
In the band £60,001 – £70,000
In the band £70,001 – £80,000
In the band £80,001 – £90,000
In the band £90,001 – £100,000
In the band £100,001 – £110,000
In the band £120,001 – £130,000
In the band £130,001 – £140,000
Trustees' Information and Duties
Our school governance arrangements page can be found here: https://georgeabbot.surrey.sch.uk/governance/
Our trust governance arrangements page can be found here
Charging and Remissions
Our school charging & remissions policy can be found here: https://georgeabbot.surrey.sch.uk/policies/
Values and Ethos
Our school values and ethos can be found here: https://georgeabbot.surrey.sch.uk/introduction/
Learning Partnership Academy Trust values can be found on our trust website here.
Trust Scheme of Publication
Who we are and what we do
See above.
School term dates can be found here: https://georgeabbot.surrey.sch.uk/term-dates/
We are a member of Learning Partners Academy Trust, a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales (08303773).
Registered address: Guildford County School, Farnham Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 4L.
t: 01483 888188 | e: info@learningpartners.org | w: learningpartners.org
What we spend and how we spend it
See above.
What our priorities are and how we are doing
See above.
The school’s future plans can be found here: https://georgeabbot.surrey.sch.uk/introduction/
How we make decisions
See above.
Our policies and procedures
The policies below can be found on the following webpage: https://georgeabbot.surrey.sch.uk/policies/
- Sex and Relationships Education
- Special Educational Needs information report
- Health & Safety
- Accessibility Plan
- Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy
- Supporting students with Medical Conditions
Our trust freedom of information policy can be found on our trust policies page here.
Our trust child protection & safeguarding policy statement can be found on our trust policies page here.
Our school lettings policy can be found here: https://georgeabbot.surrey.sch.uk/lettings/
Our trust travel, expenses and governor allowances policy can be found here.
The services we offer
See above.
Our extra-curricular activities can be found here: https://georgeabbot.surrey.sch.uk/extra-curricular/
Our newsletters can be found here: https://georgeabbot.surrey.sch.uk/weekly-messages-and-presentations/