George Abbot recognises our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare and safety of all students. We maintain an attitude of “it could happen here”; all staff, governors and visitors have a role in the prevention of harm and abuse.

Staff receive annual training in child protection and safeguarding, and are aware of the procedure for passing on welfare concerns within the school.

We make every effort to provide an environment in which children and adults feel safe, secure, valued and respected, and feel confident to talk if they are worried, believing they will be effectively listened to.

To contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead (Mrs T Young), please email

Useful Websites

Mental Health

Drugs and Alcohol

Online Safety

General Safeguarding

Domestic Abuse


George Abbot is committed to preventing bullying and harassment in all forms. We encourage all students to report concerns about themselves or others, including sexual harassment, mental wellbeing, friendship issues and bullying.

If parents/carers need to report a concern they can contact a member of the Safeguarding Team at

Safeguarding and Remote Learning

Please use the resources below to keep your child safe online:

  • Support for parents and carers to keep children safe online, which outlines resources to help keep children safe from different risks online and where to go to find support and advice.
  • Thinkuknow provides advice from the National Crime Agency (NCA) on staying safe online.
  • Parent info is a collaboration between Parentzone and the NCA providing support and guidance for parents from leading experts and organisations.
  • Childnet offers a toolkit to support parents and carers of children of any age to start discussions about their online life, to set boundaries around online behaviour and technology use, and to find out where to get more help and support.
  • Internet matters provides age-specific online safety checklists, guides on how to set parental controls on a range of devices, and a host of practical tips to help children get the most out of their digital world.
  • London Grid for Learning has support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online, including tips to keep primary aged children safe online.
  • UK Safer Internet Centre has tips, advice, guides and other resources to help keep children safe online, including parental controls offered by home internet providers and safety tools on social networks and other online services.
