Current Vacancies

To view our current vacancies, please click the link on the left.

Recruitment and Retention Policy

Please note, we do not accept CVs.

Working at George Abbot

Training to Teach

George Abbot is a great place to train as a teacher. We are a long established provider of school centred, initial teacher training. Our SCITT programme provides training for over 60 teachers annually in both the primary and secondary sector. We have strong partnerships with local schools and offer an excellent range of schools for training placements. We offer both salaried and unsalaried training places in a wide range of subject areas.

For more information, please click the link below:


Future Employment

We are always delighted to receive applications from specialist teaching staff who are interested in working at George Abbot School. We are particularly keen to receive applications from: English, Maths, and Science specialists. If you are interested, please contact the school for further details.

Safer Recruitment and Diversity Statement

George Abbot School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share and demonstrate this commitment. The successful applicant will be subjected to an enhanced DBS Check via the Disclosure and Barring Service.

We want to attract the broadest range of talented people to be part of Learning Partners Academy Trust. We aspire to have a diverse and inclusive workforce and particularly welcome suitably qualified applicants from a wide range of backgrounds to join our trust.

25 Really Good Reasons to join our Staff

Our School

  • George Abbot has a clear vision and shared sense of purpose. Our mission statement is “Academic excellence within a strong community of equality and respect, where potential and opportunity are realised.”
  • George Abbot is a well-resourced school with a large and proactively maintained estate.
  • Outstanding results at GCSE – 2023 saw a Progress 8 score of +0.62; Progress 8 has risen consistently.
  • Ofsted (December 2019) states: “pupils happily attend George Abbot School. They respect their teachers and behave well in lessons. Pupils take their studying seriously and try to get the most out of their experiences at school… Pupils enjoy school.”
  • Outstanding results at Sixth Form level – the progress George Abbot students have made in A levels is significantly above average at +0.24 which places the school in the top 10% nationally. 12% of all A level grades achieved at George Abbot were A*. 31% of A Level grades are A or A*, with 55% of grades being A*, A or B.
  • Ofsted (December 2019) states: “Most pupils go into the school’s sixth form where they have a wide choice of courses to choose from. Students achieve extremely well in the sixth form, and they play a big part in the life of the school. Students are positive role models for younger pupils. Many students mentor younger pupils in order to help them with their school work.”
  • We are part of Learning Partners Academy Trust. Together we are a forward-thinking Guildford group of schools who work together to improve learning for all of our students.
  • Our George Abbot SCITT underpins the quality and extent of high-class development for our staff at all stages of their career. We deliver the Early Career Framework for early career teachers across Surrey and are experts in providing high quality early career support.

Professional Development

  • An extensive training and CPD programme, accessing resources and expertise from across the suite of MAT schools.
  • Investment in personal growth, wellbeing and self-actualisation, including support given to access national qualifications and tertiary education or engage in research.
  • Quality, values-led, performance management for all staff.
  • External and outreach staff development opportunities, such as: attendance at courses and conferences; links with colleges; opportunities for staff secondments and support for initial teacher training.
  • An excellent, supportive induction programme for all staff, which includes: induction days; mentoring and coaching for new leaders. ECTs are invited to join us at the end of June, prior to their first term of teaching.
  • Accredited, by The National Foundation for Educational Research, in recognition of our engagement with professional and in-school research, as well as our practice of evaluating evidence to enhance teaching and learning.
  • Opportunities for staff, at all levels, to assume additional responsibilities of a whole school nature; some with incentive allowances attached or time provided. As a result, many members of staff have been promoted internally.
  • An Ofsted (Outstanding) ‘School-Centred Initial Teacher Training’ (SCITT offering School Direct Primary and Secondary, Researchers in Schools and Teach Independent programmes.

Supporting our Staff

  • Work-life balance is key to the way we lead our school; this means that consultation with staff at all levels is fundamental.
  • Union representatives meet regularly with the headteacher for topical discussions to support work-life balance and staff welfare.
  • Staff benefits at George Abbot include access to an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) to support physical and mental health and wellbeing.
  • Staff admissions priority is given to the ‘children of staff’ who have been employed by the school for more than two years prior to considering applications from ‘nearest school’. Please see the Admission Arrangements Policy for further information.
  • A strong team of cover supervisors carry out all the cover for absent staff, with support from the leadership team, allowing teachers guaranteed time to use non-contacts for planning and preparation.
  • Support staff investment is high with many roles in place to reduce administration for teachers.
  • Our excellent staff facilities include – faculty and departmental staff work rooms with individual workstations; good ICT facilities for staff use; catered lunches provided for all Progress Monitoring Consultations and INSET days.
  • Other staff benefits include:
    – enrolment with Teachers’/LGPS pension schemes;
    – annual pay increases for teaching and support staff;
    – supportive performance related pay and appraisal policy;
    – favourable enhanced maternity and paternity schemes;
    – paid lunchtime duties for all staff;
    – recreational funded school trips (including skiing, diving and cultural);
    paid special leave for occasions such as family events, graduations and school plays;
    – subsidised meals for those running lunchtime activities;
    – subsidised counselling;
    – considerations for flexible working; access to Surrey County Council schemes, including childcare vouchers and cycle to work.