Student Resources
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins – A review by the KS3 Book Club
George Abbot School Glossary
To help you broaden your vocabulary, your teachers have worked together to compile a list of important words that you need to know for each subject. Some of these words may
be unfamiliar, so we have also included the meanings for you.
We hope this glossary will help unlock some challenging vocabulary and enable you to reach your learning potential as you continue your George Abbot journey.
Request a book from the library
Finished your book and need a new one to read? Use the form below to request a book from the school library.
Fill in which genres you enjoy and one of our library will staff will recommend another book for you. Books can be picked up from Elmslie reception in school hours, or posted to your home address.
Please click here to request a book.
Reading lists by year group

Parent Resources
Please click the images below for more resources.
At George Abbot, we are passionate about encouraging our students to read. Reading can have many positive impacts on student performance across the whole curriculum. Research shows:
- 10-year-olds who enjoy reading have a reading age 1.3 years higher than their peers who do not enjoy reading, rising to 2.1 years for 12-year-olds and 3.3 years for 14-year-olds.
- Reading improves vocabulary by 26% regardless of background.
- Reading also develops confidence, improves self-esteem and increases empathy.
- Children’s enjoyment of reading has increased during lockdown (from 47.8% pre-lockdown to 55.9% post-lockdown), having reached a 15-year low before lockdown.
- More than a quarter (27.6%) of children and young people say they are enjoying reading more during lockdown.