The Pupil Premium and Service Pupil Premium is funding provided to schools which is additional to main school funding allocation. Schools use it to:

• raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities to reach their potential
• support children and young people with parents in the armed forces

How we use Pupil Premium funding at George Abbot:

Children from all types of families come to George Abbot School. Some come from very wealthy homes, a great many come from households which are “just-about-managing” and some live below the poverty line, which in Guildford means about 14% of children.

We often cannot see any difference between students from the most wealthy homes or the homes where money is most tight. The children all work really hard, behave brilliantly and take part in as much as they can.

We use some of the Pupil Premium grant to help families be able to pay for some of the ordinary additional costs of school so that their children can do well and enjoy what the school has to offer, just like their friends.

Some of our students have more difficult lives than others.  Some are coping with more difficult daily lives – maybe they are Young Carers, or have mental health challenges.  Others have particular learning needs – maybe they are dyslexic – that they have to deal with as well.  Living with extra challenges can sometimes also lead students to feel different or alone among their classmates, which can stop them from really making the most of their time at school.    Our school wants to do all we can to help these students.  We are alongside them to help them get the best qualifications they can and make the most of opportunities so that they enjoy their time at school and go on to successful futures.

Apply to see if your child is eligible

Please complete the form linked in the icon above and return to George Abbot School for the attention of Mrs T Stanley, Elmslie Office.

We use some of the Pupil Premium grant to provide extra support to these students, for example, through additional academic help, youth workers and counsellors.

About the Pupil Premium grant

Pupil Premium funding is allocated according to the number of pupils on-roll who are eligible for free school meals (FSM).  A smaller amount is allocated according to the number of children of service families, and an allocation is made for each pupil who has been ‘Looked After’ (in care) for one day or more, is adopted or has left care under a special guardianship order or a residence order.

For the financial year 2024-2025, the Pupil Premium funding that schools receive is:
  • Standard Pupil Premium for students in Y7-11: £1,050 per student
  • Looked after children or children who been in care: £2,570 per student
  • Service family children: £340 per student


Scholar Advocates

We are very careful about how we talk about Pupil Premium funding in school. We are as discreet and sensitive as possible with children so they do not feel different from their peers. In fact, we call these students our Scholars, when we are describing them as a group. We know each one is individual, with unique gifts and talents and hopes and dreams.

If you want to discuss any aspect of Pupil Premium funding and how we support your child, please contact the relevant Scholar Advocate. Scholar Advocates keep a particular eye out for the children in their year group.

Year 7-9: Liz Langridge

Year 10 and 11: Claire Burford

We continue to support students from disadvantaged backgrounds in the Sixth Form.  More information is under the Sixth Form Information tab and the key contact is Chris Brinsden,

To find out more please see the summary below of how the Pupil Premium funding has been used at George Abbot School and how we plan to use it in 2022-2023.