Progress Monitoring is our formal process for reporting and sharing information with students and parents on their progress. It consists of formal progress reports issued three times a year and an opportunity to meet with tutor staff and subject staff to allow face-to-face engagement between parents and staff.
Formal progress reports are issued three times a year. These are shared electronically and outline academic progress compared to academic targets, grades and targets on student’s attitude to learning and attendance. In addition to this, a range of progress grades will be shared by each subject as it becomes available, with parents being able to log in and view this at any point in the year. Specific information and guidance on this process is contained in the linked documents below.
In September brief meetings are held for all students with their form tutors, the meetings aim to provide an opportunity to meet new tutors and check students have settled into the new academic year well.
Each year group then has a separate subject consultation meeting where parents can meet individual teachers to discuss a student’s progress.
We also hold an annual clinic evening for any academic concerns with exam students and pastoral concerns for the rest of the school.
Progress Monitoring & Report Release Dates – click here for printable version