The Learning Support (LS) team at George Abbot are here to support your child in making the most of their time with us. We are an effective and experienced team and key team in enabling the school’s commitment to strong educational and personal outcomes for every student.

Learning Support Team

George Abbot is committed to promoting the progress of every child and ensuring that students have access to learning that is tailored to their needs. Our team consists of specialist teachers, learning support assistants, external specialists who visit students on site. The team supports students with needs in the following areas: cognition and learning; communication and interaction, social, emotional and mental health and physical and sensory disability. The support of students with English as an additional language is also facilitated by this team.

Special Educational Needs – Parent Information

The SEN Information Report outlines the provisions available for SEN students and answers to frequently asked questions.


The Learning Support team has access to a number of small teaching rooms for intervention groups, some with interactive whiteboards and computers. The school uses a variety of software packages for literacy and numeracy support and departmental laptops are available to loan to students with an identified need. We also have two designated spaces for students struggling with school where they can continue their studies on site but in a more appropriate setting for their needs.



Support for students with SEND starts in the classroom where all teachers are made aware of individual needs and can adapt their classroom and teaching to meet a student’s needs. The Learning Support team members provide in-class and small group support for pupils with identified special educational needs. To support those pupils who may find it hardest to adjust to a secondary school, George Abbot also operates two, small, nurture classes of up to 15 pupils each. These pupils benefit from access to a carousel of bespoke intervention and small class teaching within their core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science.

In addition the Learning Support team members will take small groups for additional support in literacy, numeracy and social skills.


Again, support for students with SEND starts in the classroom where all teachers are made aware of individual needs and can adapt their classroom and teaching to meet a student’s needs in the first instance. Learning Support team members provide in-classroom support for students with SEND and we aim to keep students in the classroom as much as possible to benefit from the subject specific teaching. Support is also provided for pupils to access their examinations.

The Learning Support team members will take small groups for additional support when necessary.


Support in KS5 continues but is more flexible to support access to examinations and provide tutorials for a small number of pupils.

SEN Contacts:

The SENCo is Mrs J Richings

Should you have concerns about your child which relate to special educational needs/disabilities or Learning Support please contact:

For students in Year 7 and 11 and overall responsibility:

Mrs J Richings –

For students in Year 8:

Mrs E Ferris – (Deputy SENCO)

For students in Year 9 & 10:

Mrs E Boothman – (Deputy SENCO)

For students in Years 12 & 13:

Ms J Wallace-Jones – (Deputy SENCO)

Deputy SENCO:

Mrs C Donaldson (Deputy SENCO) –

For advice on exam access arrangements for students in Years 9-13: 

Ms B Barratt – (EAA Specialist Assessor)

For information about EAL students:

Mrs T Freeland – (EAL coordinator)