Welcome to the George Abbot Home Learning webpage. This page will provide you with all the necessary information and tools you need to continue studying at home.

Office 365

Student Learning Environment


Useful Guides

Forgotten Passwords

Any user in the Learning Partners can request a password reset from their personal email address by emailing passwordreset@gepacademies.com. This will automatically create a helpdesk ticket and will also have an automated reply to the sender asking for the following information:


If you are a student requesting a password reset:

  1. Please outline which system(s) your require the password reset for
  2. Which school you attend
  3. Full name (including middle names)
  4. Username
  5. Date of Birth
  6. A parent’s email address


If you are a parent requesting a password reset to any of our systems:

  1. Please outline which system(s) you require the password reset for
  2. Which School your student attends
  3. Full name (including middle names)
  4. Student Username
  5. Student Date of Birth
  6. First line of address

Need IT Support? Please email networkhelpdesk@georgeabbot.surrey.sch.uk