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Years 12 & 13 Drama Trip: ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’
Further information will be communicated to relevant parents and students.
Visual Arts: Exhibition
Elmslie Hall 6-8pm Students, parents and neighbours are invited to come along.
DofE: Bronze Parent Information Evening
Raynham Hall, 6.30-8.00pm Further information will be communicated to relevant parents.
Years 11 & 13 Photography Trip: ‘Harry Potter’/Warner Bros
Further information will be communicated to relevant parents and students.
Year 10: Assessment Week
Assessments will take place in regular lesson time. Each student's subject teachers will provide specific information regarding any assessments to be taken during this week.
Ski Trip: Parent Information Evening
6-7pm Elmslie Hall
Year 11 English Trip: ‘An Inspector Calls’
Further information will be communicated to relevant parents and students.