The George Abbot Mock Election was held on 12 December as voting took place nationally. A range of political parties were represented by Year 12 candidates and their campaign teams.
Tutor groups across the school were treated to a thought provoking array of party election broadcasts created by the Year 12s, with editing assistance from Mr Radford. The messages ranged from stark warnings about climate change from the Green Party to the more hopeful, Christmas feel of the Liberal Democrats with the catchy strapline ‘A party is not just for Christmas’; Labour provided three clear policy statements and Brexit was the central theme for both the Conservative and the Brexit Party. The campaign teams also decorated the school with posters that were both informative and humorous.
Election Day was greeted with enthusiasm from all the students. The Wilson Building, Atrium and Sixth Form Centre were transformed into polling stations and at times students were queuing out of the doors. Sixth Form students manned the polling stations and guarded against the over enthusiastic wanting to vote more than once. The ballot boxes were then collected and the votes counted.
The overall result showed a win for the Liberal Democrats with the Green Party coming a very close second (by 4 votes). The turnout was good with over half of all students voting.